Centrelink Car Loans Gold Coast Are Possible
Here at Zoom Car Loans, we know what it takes to get your application approved for a car loan – even on Centrelink payments.
There are many Centrelink payments that are considered valid income for the purposes of a car loan, including:
- Parenting payments
- Disability payments
- Carers allowance
- Family Tax Benefit
- Aged pension.
Unfortunately, Jobseeker and Youth Allowance payments don’t fit into this category. They’re considered temporary payments that don’t reflect your usual earnings, so don’t count towards the income for your Centrelink car loan on the Gold Coast.
Potential lenders are looking for income of at least $800/fortnight. This is the magic number that is considered to cover the bare essentials and leave enough money for loan repayments. Your eligible Centrelink payments are counted towards the $800/fortnight mark. If your payment is under this threshold it will need to be supplemented with other income (from work for instance) in order for you to meet the eligibility criteria for a Centrelink car loan on the Gold Coast.
Increasing your chances of approval
However, meeting this income threshold doesn not guarantee you will be approved for a car loan. It just means that you haven’t been disqualified from getting Centrelink car loans Gold Coast.
It will help your chances of getting approved if you can show a history of:
- Good credit rating
- Paying back loans on time
- Paying utility bills on time
- Good banking conduct, which looks at how you spend your money (eg. no gambling transactions, not spending all your money as soon as it hits your account).
Here at Zoom Car Loans we have extensive experience working with clients with bad credit or who are on Centrelink payments. We can work with you to find Centrelink car loans Gold Coast that work for you and your finances.